NEW FEATURE: Assign Bibs at Check-In

NEW FEATURE: Assign Bibs at Check-In

We are excited to announce yet another innovative new feature: assigning bib numbers at check-in! Our development team has been working hard so that the Grassroots Unwired 4EventDay mobile app can have the ability for volunteers to assign a participant’s bib number and/or race tracking ID during the mobile check-in process. This new feature makes check-in faster, more efficient and provides a positive experience for your participants.

The Old Way of Assigning Bibs:

Before the ability to assign bib numbers at check-in, event managers would need to determine all pre-registered participants bib numbers well before the day of the race and make sure that each participant got that specific number at the time of their check-in. This would involve long alphabetical lines that participants would have to find and file in to. Volunteers would be shuffling through piles of pre-assigned bibs looking for the one that belongs to the participants standing in front of them while the line of participants grows longer and longer. This old process also meant late night bib organization; putting bibs in piles based off of the participant’s last name that specific bib is assigned to. But not anymore.

The New Way of Assigning Bibs:

  • The morning of the event each volunteer is given a stack of unassigned bibs.
  • When a participant walks up to the volunteer to check-in, the 4EventDay mobile app prompts the volunteer to enter a bib number for the participant. The volunteer simply picks a bib off the top of their pile, enters the number into the app and provides the bib to the participant to be on their way.
  • Throughout the check-in process, the timing company will have access to a real-time report of the checked-in participants and their assigned bib numbers.

Never again will event managers be doing late night bib organization and volunteers will never be stuck shuffling through piles of envelopes to find a pre-assigned bib number. Welcome to the future of event check-in!

For more information or a demo of our platform, including this new feature please reach out to us.

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