[GUEST POST] 4 Design Capabilities to Look for in Your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Software

[GUEST POST] 4 Design Capabilities to Look for in Your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Software

When you’re looking for software to support your peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns online, it’s important to consider the software’s design capabilities. Depending on your budget and your staff’s technical knowledge, you may want software that offers easy-to-use templates, or you may want as much flexibility as possible to create your own designs.

Here are some design capabilities to think about as you evaluate peer-to-peer fundraising software platforms for your nonprofit:

  • Logo — What do site visitors see first when they arrive on your campaign’s microsite: your logo or the platform’s logo? Your campaign isn’t intended to promote the platform’s name recognition, but rather your campaign and the mission it supports. So, it’s important that you are able to “white label” your microsite or, in other words, use your own logo on your site, versus the vendor’s logo. Vendor-branded sites also often advertise their other clients’ sites within the same environment. This is an important consideration because your constituents may get distracted with navigation or ads by other campaigns run by other organizations or corporations.
  • Custom coding — Does the platform allow more advanced administrators to take further control and customize the environment via code such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, etc.?
  • Vendor-editable design — Does the vendor (and/or their certified/approved partners) offer custom design services?
  • Domain — Does the product have product-specific (e.g., http://npo.platform.com) website domains, or nonprofit-specific website domains (e.g., http://support.nonprofit.org)? The latter allows you to brand your event or campaign in the website address.

You can learn more about important capabilities to look for in your peer-to-peer fundraising software by reading The Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Technology Landscape. The Cathexis Partners team wrote this free guide to help you better understand the platforms available to you, and to narrow the list of tools so you can find the one that best supports your team, your participants, your donors and, most importantly, your mission. Check it out, and discover the capabilities of 39 peer-to-peer fundraising software platforms on the market today. I think you’ll find it valuable!

Need more help? Check out Cathexis Partners’ affordable service to help you find the right peer-to-peer fundraising tech platform for your nonprofit.

– Written by Mark Becker, Founding Partner, Cathexis Partners

Mark Becker, Founding Partner, Cathexis Partners

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