Tag Archive guest post

[Guest Post] Got Technology Blind Spots? Ask These 8 Questions Before the Demo!

[Guest Post] Got Technology Blind Spots? Ask These 8 Questions Before the Demo!

Choosing a new software platform for your nonprofit can cause lots of stress. But, in my experience, there’s one part of the process that especially makes nonprofit accidental techies freak out a little bit.

There are three key phases to choosing a new software platform:

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[GUEST POST] 4 Design Capabilities to Look for in Your Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Software

When you’re looking for software to support your peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns online, it’s important to consider the software’s design capabilities. Depending on your budget and your staff’s technical knowledge, you may want software that offers easy-to-use templates, or you may want as much flexibility as possible to create your own designs.

Here are some design capabilities to think about as you evaluate peer-to-peer fundraising software platforms for your nonprofit: Read More