Content and Branding

Grassroots Unwired is built on the principle that our robust platform is yours to take over and make your own. We know that different campaigns and organizations like to identify constituents differently like Yellow for Prospective Supporters or Purple for Upgrades. On the political side, campaigns might use Red for Republicans and Blue for Democrats. Have you trained your canvassers to place special emphasis on certain questions? Give them a different color or put a special border around the section of questions. At the start of our relationship together, we review your content and help you design the screens to represent your organization in a way that reinforces your branding and image and makes the canvassers experience as user friendly and foolproof as possible.

Colors and Branding

Are your colors, red, white and blue or orange and pink. No problem! Our platform offers many ways to customize the user and constituent experience. We offer:

  • Customized branding/color scheme (add your own logo)
  • Custom the Colors of the places you are visiting or even the canvassers you can see on the map.

Design your Content

  • Add colored border to Questions. Whether to separate out content during training or when doing A/B testing, colored borders around questions can help segment data visually.
  • Design specific question and answer petitions that can change based on the response.
  • We offer complex question branching/conditional support. Bring us your survey and we can systematize it for you to be accurate and effective.
  • Show/Hide questions based on the answers you receive or pre-existing data. For example, if someone is pre-loaded on the tablet and you know they support climate change, ask them about incarceration instead.
  • Questions: All questions are customizable as far as type and text. It’s up to you what your survey looks like, and what the responses are.

Customize your Marketing Materials

  • Play videos in your petition. If the best way to get a message out there is with a video your organization has produced, let it play. We can embed a video directly in the app or access something on YouTube with the data connection.
  • Scripts can be run in multiple languages. GRU can set up two different scripts, for example, one English and one Spanish. When the canvasser selects either English or Spanish, the survey will then appear in the corresponding language.
  • You can embed info-graphics, PDF’s or pictures that help get the message across to voters at the door.

Take action with immediate Follow-up

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#55ba47″ class=”” size=”16″]Instantly follow up with text messages to the person you just canvassed. We have partnered with Mobile Commons to provide SMS services.[/perfectpullquote]
If Email completes your communication loop best, the app can be set up to:

  • Instantly send follow up messages that are personalized based on how someone answers questions in the survey.
  • Direct someone to another website to take action by following up with an email.
  • Receipt emails can be sent to those that donate with a copy of their signature and a record of the amount they donated.
  • Emails can be sent to a third party. For example, if you are attempting to have voters take an action and email a legislator, the GRU platform can be used to send a note to the legislator immediately after a survey is completed and submitted.
  • Voters or Donors can fill out pledge cards, which can be emailed, reminding them of their interaction with the canvasser and their commitment to vote and/or to commit to the cause.

Create Custom tools

We can build custom tools for your organization like a scheduling tool or a shopping cart.

  • Are you asking people to volunteer for your organization? Schedule a shift on the spot.
  • Are you selling things like hats or t-shirts or tickets at an event, we can help you build a shopping cart.
  • If you can dream it, we can build it.