Donation and Dues Processing

Grassroots Unwired Proprietary Payment Capture and Card Reader Integrations:

Donation and dues processing is easy with the Grassroots Unwired Mobile App. We have partnered with two big players in the nonprofit payment processing world: iATS and Worldpay. These partnerships allow us to offer our clients simple, easy to use payment services:

  • The option to accept donations online
  • The ability to accept one-time and recurring donations via credit card and ACH in multiple currencies 
  • Seamless API integrations
  • Flat rate structure with no hidden fees
  • PCI Level 1 certification
  • Cards can be swiped even if there is no connectivity (while maintaining PCI compliance)
  • The ability to use SMS or Email to send receipts in real time
  • Encrypted card swipers increase security for both the donor and your organization
  • Real time feedback on Card decline or acceptance – no more chasing down failed transactions
  • Over $30MM has been processed through our platform