Grassroots and Legislative Advocacy App

Advocacy has become a mainstay in our Democracy and can take many different forms:

  • Protesting at a rally
  • Sending a letter to or calling your representative
  • Signing a petition
  • Posting a political perspective on social media

Yet, regardless of the various forms of advocacy, the best way to galvanize support for a cause continues to be talking to people face-to-face. Having a conversation with someone is the most effective means of building a relationship and getting someone to take action. Our Grassroots and Legislative Advocacy App has made it possible to bring what has typically been viewed as web-based activity into a mobile environment. Our platform enables your org to:

  • Survey someone and just minutes later send an email about a specific policy initiative to a legislator
  • Collect survey responses and instantly send them back to headquarters instead of having to wait for data entry to be completed
  • Collect and track secure donations towards your cause
  • Capture E-Signatures
  • No connection? No problem. Our app continues to work even when offline.
  • Collect cell phone numbers and immediately send them to the Upland Mobile Messaging for continuous outreach
  • GOTV!

We Offer:
– Competitive Pricing
– An out-of-the-box solution
– A direct point of contact for all of your support needs

Contact us today for a free demo

Newest Innovation from Grassroots Unwired


Get more out of participants and spectators on the day of your event.

With new event management functionality that we added to our already groundbreaking mobile platform, Grassroots Unwired has delivered the first truly mobile solution for the day of your big event, our 4EventDay Mobile App.